Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My first Mother's Day!!

How fun, I got to celebrate my first Mother's Day! Keith got me a beautiful bouquet of lillies and took me out to a fancy delicious dinner. He is so good to me and our little bean on the way! Although she's not much of a bean anymore - more like a cantaloupe! I also got my first girlie girl gift hand made by Amanda. Super cute, and super PINK!!

My belly is growing, and she is kicking up a storm in there. She loves to be at the cafe and at the gym - that's when she really gets rocking in there.

Today I am 21 weeks along!! Half way there just about. I feel great and am getting some really good deals on my Craigslist buys. So far I've bought the bassinet, a stroller and a jogging stroller. Today I'm looking at a glider/rocking chair. It feels great to get some of the big stuff out of the way.