Wednesday, February 24, 2010

9 weeks and 1 day

Once again we had a great appointment on Monday! Baby is still developing just fine and the heartbeat is strong. I go in again in 2 weeks to take a look inside again, and then a week after that I start pre-natal care! Just 2.5 more weeks until we're in the safer zone for this pregnancy, but I have a great feeling about this one. This little bean inside me is here to stay.
Right now I'm hoping for a better 2nd trimester. I know that some women have it worse off then I do with the "morning sickness" - but it really sucks & I want it to go away (although in a weird way, I like it because it makes me feel pregnant). I don't have it so much in the morning - except for today. I get it after lunch and through dinner. Dinners are becoming hard for me, nothing sounds good. If something does sound good, I'll eat it and then never want to eat it again. I think tonights dinner will be mac'N'cheese!!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Doctor visit Monday

I'm a little nervous for my doctor appointment on Monday, but am also trying to take the advice of my accupuncturist. She told me to live in the now, and not think of the past. The past is only making me hold on to negativity that my body and mind don't need; I should beleive what is true now, that I am pregnant. That I should say it out loud so that I know and beleive that it's true. And the weird thing is - she's SO right. It feels good to to beleive & say that I AM pregnant - it helps me release any negative energy I'm holding and to put a smile on my face rather then a questionable worried look on my face. She's amazing - if any of you ever want to do accupuncture, please see her. So, I am happier then ever and love eating my box of mac 'N' cheese and veggie hot dogs for dinner! This kid seems to want cheese in my body because that's what I'm mostly craving. Oh, & chocolate milk......I can not get enough chocolate milk in my body!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

We have a heartbeat!!

We had our doctor appointment yesterday morning, and I was SO nervous. Nervous to see the same thing that we've seen the last 2 times we found out we were pregnant-an empty yolk sac & nothing else. Although in the back of my mind I knew things were different this time since I have never felt pregnant before; and I sure do feel pregnant this time. Especially with the annoying nausea!! So my doctor got right to the ultrasound and right away I saw nothing but a big empty black spot on the screen. I was prepared for him to say that there was nothing there - good thing I had Keith there to hold my hand and get me through it. Then, all of a sudden he moved the wand thing around and there it was. Our baby. AND a heartbeat! I was in shock. Then he let us hear the heartbeat. It was and is a good strong heartbeat, I couldn't believe it - I asked the doc if he was sure it wasn't just my racing heartbeat that we were hearing! It was the greatest feeling since we started this journey.
I thought that I was about 6 weeks along, but the baby is measuring about 8 weeks along!! Even better since the safer zone is after the first 12/13 weeks-now we're that much closer. The risk of miscarriage goes down after you see and hear a good heartbeat, but the risk goes down even more once you're out of the first trimester. So, now the journey continues and this time I'm sure we will have our baby in our arms in about 7 months!! Wow - 7 months, now that I say it that way it seems so close to today!

Monday, February 1, 2010

First month

So we just found out a week ago that we are pregnant again. Right after we both thought that maybe we should be careful since we are planning a trip to Amsterdam, France and Rome in late June/early July. OOps. It's a good oops though, hopefully this pregnancy will carry to a healty 40 weeks this time. As of today, we have had better news then in the past. The BETA numbers look good and I feel more pregnant then I ever have in the past. We won't know for sure how the little bean in there is doing until Feb.15th though (I'm already nervous for that ultrasound). Until then, Europe plans are on hold because I will be 6 months pregnant when we go. We're thinking just the flight alone would be super uncomfortable for me at that point. And why risk a pregnancy that took so long to get here. We do have a much needed Mammoth trip planned for the presidents day weekend and we're still not sure if I will be snowboarding or not. At least it will be a vacation though - that's really all I need right now.
SO, next post will be on the 15th after the ultrasound. Hopefully it's good news, keep your fingers crossed!
Now, I'm off for a nap since I can't seem to get enough sleep these days! I'm always tired - & hungry. After this minor torture, the little bean better stick around!