Friday, February 19, 2010

Doctor visit Monday

I'm a little nervous for my doctor appointment on Monday, but am also trying to take the advice of my accupuncturist. She told me to live in the now, and not think of the past. The past is only making me hold on to negativity that my body and mind don't need; I should beleive what is true now, that I am pregnant. That I should say it out loud so that I know and beleive that it's true. And the weird thing is - she's SO right. It feels good to to beleive & say that I AM pregnant - it helps me release any negative energy I'm holding and to put a smile on my face rather then a questionable worried look on my face. She's amazing - if any of you ever want to do accupuncture, please see her. So, I am happier then ever and love eating my box of mac 'N' cheese and veggie hot dogs for dinner! This kid seems to want cheese in my body because that's what I'm mostly craving. Oh, & chocolate milk......I can not get enough chocolate milk in my body!

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